其實都很得空 得空一下~ 呵呵呵
前幾天我的oh hannee eboutique 放了新貨 新照片
還有我最愛的00 幫我們拍
給他拍最放心 最開心了。
因爲她總是知道我們要的角度 和總是用心和用愛去拍~~
所以大家才有美美的照片看~ 赫赫赫
謝謝他們抽空幫我拍 拍 拍。*鞠躬*
不好意思耽誤那麽久 所以那天拍照速度超快的!
不過因爲他們都有經驗了。。 動作特別快 狠 准! ~~
不用那麽麻煩想pose 什麽的。
可是縂覺得好像要有頭 笑容 表情。 照片才漂亮
所以每次我們都頂著很濃的妝 在炎熱的天氣下脫衣 換衣拍照
不過看到照片都漂亮。值得的! >////<
1。 這款很漂亮!因爲VIVI現在都有很多這種拼接jeans的衣服
而且這款jeans的顔色和布搭配很漂亮 而且有點偏長
放下來配legging 也是很漂亮 又有性格 ~~
來來來 ,迎接夏天就是要穿這個顔色~
不用我多說這種顔色應該是最近最hitooo 的咯!!
對就是糖果色! 顔色很甜蜜甜蜜~
這款不透膚 。所以不穿背心也ok !
哈哈哈哈哈因爲飄逸 飄逸的!
由於不緊身,M Lsize 的MM也可以穿咯!
而且很特別。 有點像chanel 紋身的感覺
由於每個顔色都美番了。 很難抉擇。 所以我全部顔色都進了!
有3 個色~ 現在暫時都還有貨哦哦哦哦哦 。。。
還有! 這件裙子美番囉!!!!!
可以配素T 也ok :D
因爲他的花很特別。 不會是很長看到的花朵~
有2 個色。 紅花或藍花~~
S/ M 都穿到因爲不窄~~~
穿去約會 見家長 喝喜酒最適合~
因爲不會太隆重又很得體! 喜歡~~~~
Oh yaaa 韓風 韓風!
因爲腰身那裏是倒 V 的。 所以看起來腰很細
我155 cm穿剛剛好長 ,加加穿就要穿安全褲咯!
不過韓國妹是這樣的! 不短不穿!因爲這樣腿才會顯長~~
明不明白阿? 赫赫:D
這件是顔色很漂亮的leopard 短T
喜歡leopard print 還不快快!
因爲拍得很漂亮 (((((飛踢!
不過都給人reserved 了。 如果有興趣就pm 我看看之前的客人有沒有放棄吧 ~
穿了不得了瘦~~ 哈哈哈
有興趣的寶貝們可以到我的fb page: (Oh hannee eboutique) 看更多照片
然後可以inbox 我你要的衣服code 就可以了
或者可以選擇LINE我 :Hannahliew . 詢問詳情~~
晚安大家! :D
Jia Xing 21st Birthday dinner @ PlanB
Finally I blog ! Yes , its like finally . I have been neglected here for few months d omg . It's because I'm too stressed for my assignments and examss, my final assignments and examss in Malaysia .*I wish too* .Why ? why ? why is the lastt?Will let u guys know the details after everythings has settled down .
Back to the topic .I supposed blog it jus now but i totally forget I had to blog and I jus doing nothing jus now .Perhaps it is because been too long time I never blog !
Start my 1st blog with my buddy birthday celebration at Plan B @ publika solaris dutamas.
This is my first time step into publika in solaris dutamas . actually not that hard to reach there if you know how to go HELP University . I took so less pic that day cus I've forgetton I have to blog after that . So you guys may jus google it beh ~~
Lets pics do the talking bah ....:D
Happy bday to U jia xing !!
Plan B serves delicious spaghetti. I love their carborana ! too bad we did not manage to try their egg benedict ! T.T
This !! >>>>>>
Look delicious right ? T,T ME WANT ! * photo Credit to crystalCha***
Bens' cakes as the birthday cake!
Since the lighting in Bens was too hard to take nice photo , we decided to take picha with the carousel at the lobby ! Girls are always so happy when they see carousel ! too dreamy too cute too fairy tale~~Lalallaal .
So we force boys to take photo as well ! HAHAHA..
The blossoms and the King .
Thank you xinggzzz for caring us since high school , pamper us with lotss of food ,fetch us here and there ! HUGGSSSS* Best Friend forever ok ! We will be there if you need us ! Don jus keep all the sadness by your own , we will LAO LAO ! kekek . Last but not least , Hope you eat less meat and eat more vege ok ! hahahah
End this post by my outfit of the day :D
I 'm going to blog about Oh hannee eBoutique New arrivals tomorrow !
stay tuned babeeeesssss ~~
Back to the topic .I supposed blog it jus now but i totally forget I had to blog and I jus doing nothing jus now .Perhaps it is because been too long time I never blog !
Start my 1st blog with my buddy birthday celebration at Plan B @ publika solaris dutamas.
This is my first time step into publika in solaris dutamas . actually not that hard to reach there if you know how to go HELP University . I took so less pic that day cus I've forgetton I have to blog after that . So you guys may jus google it beh ~~
Lets pics do the talking bah ....:D
Happy bday to U jia xing !!
Plan B serves delicious spaghetti. I love their carborana ! too bad we did not manage to try their egg benedict ! T.T
This !! >>>>>>
Look delicious right ? T,T ME WANT ! * photo Credit to crystalCha***
Bens' cakes as the birthday cake!
Since the lighting in Bens was too hard to take nice photo , we decided to take picha with the carousel at the lobby ! Girls are always so happy when they see carousel ! too dreamy too cute too fairy tale~~Lalallaal .
So we force boys to take photo as well ! HAHAHA..
The blossoms and the King .
Thank you xinggzzz for caring us since high school , pamper us with lotss of food ,fetch us here and there ! HUGGSSSS* Best Friend forever ok ! We will be there if you need us ! Don jus keep all the sadness by your own , we will LAO LAO ! kekek . Last but not least , Hope you eat less meat and eat more vege ok ! hahahah
End this post by my outfit of the day :D
I 'm going to blog about Oh hannee eBoutique New arrivals tomorrow !
stay tuned babeeeesssss ~~
好久不见。我还有40个小时就要结束我最后一科final 了
一点点挫折 伤心我就会把它放很大,然后不开心很久 很久。
然后还连累我的男朋友和朋友 。
例如 考试不会做/做错 我会立刻想暴哭 甚至想
20 岁的我在读者大学 真的还会这样 。不知大家在什么年龄已经对考试成绩免疫了呢?
我觉得就是 - 放不下- 的问题。
我就是放不下所以会想歪 会不开心。
最近好多人自杀, 是为感情/学业? 多数是因为他们放不下
- 放不下自己平时依赖的人顿时不见了。 放不下以前很爱你的人不爱你了。
只要你 放得下,就没什么好伤心难过了。
所以那些阔达开朗的人总是那么开心, 因为他们都放得下。
- 失恋罢了嘛 放下他 找多一个咯
- 考试最后最多也是fail而已嘛 最多从考过,也不会少了我一块肉。也没有人会取笑你
说非常容易 做很难。所以这就是我要学习的东西。
我知道可能是我自己太太太幸福了。 经历的挫折非常非常的少(最多只是不见这个 不见那个)所以当我面对起挫折的时候我就会束手无策 乱了手脚。然后开始想歪歪了。
天啊 这样的人怎样生存阿
我知道我的人生才即将要开始, 就应该提得起 放得下。
我要好好记录, 然后让20 年后的自己看看然后取笑这个人一下。
不过大家也可以follow 我instagram ~ 赫赫~ 掰掰
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